OCF Values & Policies: AN OVERVIEW


OCF is committed to enhancing quality and efficiency, delivering value to your business with innovative technology, skilled personnel, and effective project management processes. Our ISO 14001:2015 certified quality management system ensures seamless integration of customer, in-house, and third-party requirements.

Supporting Policies and Documents


OCF is an equal opportunity employer. OCF celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our employees.   We also implement our Health and Safety policy and Anti-Slavery Policy as standard.

Supporting Policies and Documents


The planet is currently experiencing the sixth mass extinction event in its history. As active members of our community, OCF understands that we have a role to play in how it can be slowed or even stopped. Sustainability is a continual process, not an achievement, and OCF is committed to that end. We have signed the SME Climate Commitment which aligns our emissions targets with those of the Paris Climate Agreement, halving our CO2 equivalent emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero by 2050.

We use the following principles to guide our efforts:

  • Comply with the environmental regulations and conduct operations in an environmentally sound manner
  • Apply the principles of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ in product development, deployment marketing and facility management
  • Actively promote environmental responsibility among our employees and encourage them to take environmental initiatives
  • Strive to ensure that suppliers agree to comply with environmental regulations
  • Aggressively pursue continuous improvement in our environmental performance
  • Clearly communicate OCF’s environmental policy, practices and impact to interested parties.

OCF has a presence in the Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (https://eehpcwg.llnl.gov/), a forum for discussing and distributing information about design guidelines and specifications for energy efficiency in high performance computing. By implementing energy aware scheduling technology, efficient cooling solutions and further consumption enhancements, we ensure that the vital research needed to maintain the sustainability of our society can be performed with as small a footprint as possible. OCF provides energy consumption analysis on all our solutions and can provide systems optimised around performance per Watt as well as per £.

Supporting Policies and Documents


OCF prides itself on its open, honest, consultative sales approach, with industry leading technical capabilities and an extensive network of specialist partners.

We believe that a responsible approach to developing relationships between companies and the communities they serve, global or local, is a vital part of delivering business success.

Please note from time to time our employees / organisation may receive incentives from our partners, including IBM, for marketing and selling products or services to our customers. However, our commitment to our customers ensures that any such incentive campaign will not influence the balanced and scalable solutions that OCF may propose to our customers.